Massage Therapy Blog
The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Athletes
Massage therapy is much more than a relaxation device or a leisurely indulgent. It’s an effective remedy for athletes involved in all sports, both professional and amateur, to manage pain, recover from sports injuries, reduce stress, increase range of motion, and as a...
Why Do People Get Massages?
All over the world, for centuries, massage has been an accepted and highly valued practice enjoyed by folks from all walks of life. The American Massage Therapy Association recently conducted a survey to discover the chief motivators leading clients to seek massage...
Choosing the Right Work Environment for Newly Licensed Massage Therapists
The hard part is over. The hundreds of hours of training, the mastery of anatomy and physiology terminology, the licensing and certification. For newly Licensed Massage Therapists who’ve taken the journey to turn their passion for the healing arts and helping people...
Massage May Benefit Children After Heart Surgery
Are you aware that congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect? It is reported that each year in the U.S. alone, more than 35,000 babies are born with these types of heart problems. For many newborns, some of these may be immediately repairable....
The Importance of Hands-on Experience in Healing Arts Programs
For those who’ve made the decision to pursue a career in the healing arts, no matter your discipline, finding the right training program is essential. Students want to make sure they get the skills and opportunities that will prepare them for a career in their chosen...
Stand Up Desk Users May Benefit From Massage
Several recent news stories report that stress levels among Americans are on the rise. Contributing factors are the usual ones such as anxiety about money, job dissatisfaction and concerns about personal well being. High levels of stress are directly linked to a...
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Lexington Healing Arts Academy
272 Southland Drive
Lexington, KY 40503
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(859) 252-5656
Yoga Studio:
(859) 252-5656 x 31
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(859) 252-5656 x 25
(859) 252-5656 x 30
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