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Application Information

How to apply for our academic programs.

Ready to Apply?

We are so pleased that you’ve chosen Lexington Healing Arts Academy as the place you’d like to begin your wellness career! If you’re ready to start the application process, simply click on the program link below that you’re interested in and you’ll be taken to the online application form.

If you have any questions during your application process, feel free to contact us or reach out to Carol Rajchel at (859) 252-5656 x 25 or

Massage Therapy

For students who want to build a career as a Massage Therapist.

This popular program covers all aspects of massage therapy, including the science, technique and business aspects of this growing field. This program is perfect for those who are fascinated and inspired by the healing powers of massage and are ready to turn that fascination into a long-term career.

Day and evening classes available – please remember to select which you prefer in your application.

Yoga Teacher Training

For students who want to deepen their own Yoga practice or learn to teach others.

This intensive program focuses on the therapeutic elements of yoga, while also giving students a rich understanding of this ancient practice’s history and physiological effects. This program is perfect for anyone with a strong desire to master yoga and teach it to others.


Ready to Apply?


Fill out this form now to receive more information.

Lexington Healing Arts Academy
272 Southland Drive
Lexington, KY 40503

Download our FREE App!

Massage Clinic:
(859) 252-5656
Yoga Studio:
(859) 252-5656 x 31
Admissions & Financial Aid:
(859) 252-5656 x 25
(859) 252-5656 x 30

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